Duration |
1940 May 20, 20h00m | Schickard | Whitish obscuration; less dense than 1939 Aug 2 | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1940 Jun 14 | Plato | Two hazy streaks of medium intensity, much complex detail | Haas | Haas 1942 |
1940 Jul 14 | Tycho | Curious faint milky-looking luminosity seen. Luminous marks in shadow were ragged-edged and irregularly shaped | Haas | Haas 1942 |
1940 Oct 19 | Lichtenberg area | Pronounced reddish-brown or orange color around area. Found color less marked next night, and slight by Oct 22 | Barcroft | Haas 1942; Strol. Astr. 1951 |
1940 Oct 29 | Cusps | Prolongation of N horn by 15 degrees | Vaughan | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.127 |
1940 Dec 2 | Aristarchus | Distinguished crater in dark hemisphere as a bright spot | Vaughan | Haas 1942 |
1940 Dec 9 | Tycho | Found some luminosity on W crater rim of W outer slope | Barcroft | Haas 1942 |
1940 Dec 25 | Cusps | "Each horn appeared prolonged by about 10 degrees" | Haas | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.127 |
1941 Jan 6 | Arzachel | Anomalous shadow | Barcroft | Azevado 1962; Wilkins 1954 |
1941 Feb 6 | Conon | Faint bright spot, not too definite in outline, seen on crater floor | Vaughan | Haas 1942 |
1941 Mar 6 | Cusps | Prolongation suspected | Barcroft | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.127 |
1941 Mar 31 | Aristarchus | Crater perceived by earthshine (Haas thought it must have been unusually brilliant) | Barcroft | Haas 1942 |
1941 Jul 10 | Gassendi, and near Hansteen | Moving luminous speck near Hansteen; estimated diameter 0.1", mag +8 (lunar meteor?) | Haas | Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.281; Azevado 1962 |
1942 Feb 2, 18h20m - 19h15m | W of Kepler; 55 min | Whitish glow near earthlit limb | Y.W.L. Fisher | Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.271 |
1942 Aug 26 | Atlas | Dark areas faded in crater | Haas | Haas 1965 |
1944 Apr 4 | Hyginus N (Klein N) | Much darker than usual | Wilkins | Moore 1953, p.144; Green 1965 |
1944 Aug 12, 23h00m | Plato | Exceptional darkness of crater floor, three light spots noted at foot of E wall. Although no light streaks were visible, there was a large and conspicuous spot near the center. Since this spot has been noted as slightly but definitely rimmed all round, Wilkins suggested that temporary dark cloud or vapor may have covered true floor up to level of rim. | Wilkins | Wilkins 1944 |
1944 Aug 31 | Schickard | Mist on crater floor | Wilkins | Wilkins and Moore 1958 |
1945 Oct 19, 11h23m50s | Plato | Bright flash on crater floor near E wall | Thornton | Green 1965; Thornton 1945 |
1945 Oct 19 | Darwin | Three brilliant points of light on wall | Moore | Wilkins 1954 |
1947 Jan 30 | Eratosthenes | Without normal shadow | H. Hill | Wilkins and Moore 1958 |
1947 Aug 28 | SE of Langrenus | Mountain on limb very decidedly bluish | Baum | Wilkins 1954 |
1947 Nov 30 | Aristarchus | Bright spots on inner W slopes | Favarger | Wilkins 1954 |
1948 Feb 17 | Dawes | Central peak not seen, but cleft-like marking from SW crest towards E shadow | Thornton | Contrib. by Moore |
1948 Apr 14 | N/A | Prolongation of southern cusp | Wilkins | Wilkins 1954 |
1948 Apr 15 | 30 degrees N of Grimaldi on W limb | Bright spot on earthlit W limb 30 degrees N of Grimaldi and estimated equal to a 3rd mag star | Vince | J.B.A.A. 1948 |
1948 May 20 | NE of Philolaus; 15 min | Red glow | Baum | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.82 |
1948 Jul 21-22 | Mare Crisium; several hours | Almost featureless apart from Picard, Peirce | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1948 Jul 27 | Promontorium Heraclides | Blurred and misty | Moore, Docherty | Moore obs. book |
1948 Aug 8 | Dark side | A small bright flash on earthlit portion ... like a bright sparkle of frost on the ground | Woodward | Moore 1953 |
1948 Aug 16 | E of Picard; several hours | Two areas E of Picard appeared featureless | Moore | J.B.A.A. 1949 |
1948 Oct 8 | Barker's Quadrangle | Nebulous white patch in place of Quadrangle | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1948 Oct 19 | Promontorium Heraclides | Blurred | Docherty | Contrib. by Moore |
1949 Feb 7, 18h00m | Kepler | White glow near Kepler | Y.W.I. Fisher | Contrib. by Moore |
1949 Feb 9 | Barker's Quadrangle | Quadrangle not seen ... appeared misty | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1949 Feb 10 | Schroter's Valley near Cobrahead | Diffuse patch of thin smoke or vapor from W side of Schroter's Valley near Cobrahead, spreading into plain; detail indistinct, hazy (surrounding area clear) | Thornton | Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.263 |
1949 Mar 3, 20h00m | Barker's Quadrangle | Whole area hazy | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1949 May 1 | Aristarchus | Visible in earthshine, glowing suddenly as diffuse light patch | Wilkins | Wilkins 1954 |
1949 Oct 7, ~02h54m | Aristarchus | Abnormally bright during lunar eclipse | G.Brown, Hare | Contrib. by Moore |
1949 Nov 3, 01h06m | Aristarchus | Blue glare, base inner W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
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